
Alys Williams
Founding Director
Oliver-Michael Rechnitz
Communications, Sales and Gallery Assistant
Leon Scott-Engel
Technician and Gallery Assistant, London
Anne Marie Purkey
Associate, Basel
Chris Bayley
Associate, London

VITRINE is a contemporary art gallery focused on artistic experimentation and emerging interdisciplinary practices. The gallery was founded in 2012, from a project space, in Bermondsey, London. In 2016, a second space in Basel opened and a third space in London’s Fitzrovia in Spring 2022. We ran a digital space from 2020-2023. Over this decade, we have established a reputation as a selector and nurturer of new international talent, developing artists’ careers and supporting the evolution of their ideas.

We are committed to championing artists and diversity. Our programme is focused on interdisciplinary approaches in a variety of media, concentrating on artists working in installation, sculpture and performance, many whom address contemporary socio-political issues. We showcase practices that flourish site-responsively, in alternative environments to the traditional white cube, and that are often underrepresented in the art market.

We believe in being accessible and experimental. Our spaces in Bermondsey and Basel are transparent, allowing all exhibitions to be viewable 24/7 from the surrounding public squares. In Fitzrovia, our gallery space allows us to present ambitious artistic practices to the widest possible audiences in the heart of Central London. We further our programme and promotion through international satellite exhibitions, gallery collaborations and art fairs.

Our hybrid business model helps us remain versatile and includes an expanding commercial gallery; advising international clients and representing a core group of artists - from UK, Switzerland, Europe, Asia, Latin America, the US, and always looking to further this reach. We work predominantly on the primary market, with private clients as well as with institutions, foundations and outdoor sculpture projects. Our work in the public realm and commitment to supporting artists has allowed us access to public and private funding, which we have carefully used over our history for artistic production for specific projects. We have an extensive portfolio of outdoor sculpture, including having founded and run Sculpture At, Bermondsey Square (2014-2018). We are driven to promoting and implementing sustainable practices to ensure longevity and financial stability while lessening our environmental impact.

We are collaborative and our joint exhibitions with international peer galleries at VITRINE Bermondsey began in 2023 and have become integral to our ethos, which is a commitment to exploring growth through new modes of operating. These activities open dialogues with like-minded international organisations and allow an exchange of creativity and resources, a broadening of collective networks, and a widening of representation of different artistic practices.

VITRINE is a member of the New Art Dealers Alliance (NADA).

VITRINE is a member of the Gallery Climate Coalition (GCC).

Our aim since foundation ten years ago, has been to capture a sense of the diversity of emerging contemporary art practices and to disseminate this to the widest audience. At the heart of our activity is an unwavering commitment to nurturing artists through exhibition-making and representation; supporting entry to the international art market and creating a platform for artistic experimentation.

- Alys Williams, VITRINE Owner and Founding Director, 2020

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